Rework Your Wardrobe


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Is your wardrobe holistically serving you these days? There is an abundance of dialogue with clients, friends, and peers on this topic. It’s also all over the media right now - questions and uncertainty about what to wear to return to the office. This subject is assuredly relevant as you’re returning to many types of in-person engagements, not only those for work. 

But where to start? Walk into your closet and clothing storage areas. Are you home right now? If so, pop into your space and pause in front of the hangers, shelves, and drawers and take it all in. I know this sounds pseudo silly or ridiculous. Just go with me here for a brief few minutes. 

When you look at your clothing, ask yourself, “does this serve me today? Will these clothes, shoes, accessories, jewelry, watches (all the things) serve me for who I want to be tomorrow? Will all of this serve me for who I want to be six months from now, a year?” Be honest with your answers. And then consider the following: 

Be intentional about what stays and what goes. When I connect with a prospective client for the first time, we have a video call to discuss goals and also the current status of their wardrobe, what types of “looks” are working for them, as well as what they want to move away from. 

Often I hear, “I want to get rid of it all; I only wear the same few outfits over and over again.” This frustration of being tired or over clothes and accessories is really a lack of novelty that you’re feeling with your current collection. Instead of jumping to get rid of a piece that you like and fits well, look at different ways you can wear it with your existing wardrobe. Try the garment on with a pair of pants you haven’t paired it with before and absorb the new possibility. Novel pairings will breathe new life into existing garments while maximizing what you already own.  

Conversely, if you’re holding on to something that is showing signs of age, wear and tear, and does not fit, it’s indeed time to cut the cord and let it go. Reduce the noise - this will create more creativity with putting outfits together and greater visibility into your style, recipes for dressing that serve you, and clarity on intentionality with new introductions into your closet. 

Try new things. It can be a little nerve-wracking, maybe even scary to try on a new style or trend. You become so accustomed to what has been in your closet, partly due to it being stamped with social approval: past compliments from others, validation from a brand or retailer on a certain style, or because it fits a common style archetype (or trend) that your friends and peers also express. And so, the familiarity begets wearing a piece over and over again, even if it’s not always a winning top or dress. It’s convenient and you’ve worn it before. Sometimes that is enough of a reason to keep wearing it, but not the right reason. 

Reaching for a different shaped blouse or a more fitted trouser may feel strange or even intimidating, but trying something on that you typically don’t reach for (a silhouette or a color for instance), sets the scene for updates and changes to your style. This creates a path that allows you to obtain the goal of who you want your future self to be. 

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. The time is now to take advantage of a collective reemergence where you and everyone else are stepping out into life with new perspectives, and changes to your body, lifestyle, and goals. It’s essentially an opportunity to reset your style while you’re reprioritizing other aspects of your life. 

Reworking your wardrobe, your style, your metaphorical second skin matters. The collective experience is allowing you to evaluate the parts of you that you want to shed and the parts of you that you want to step into more. Why not just do it now?



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