CANDID Interview: Rachelle Hruska MacPherson


Rachelle Hruska MacPherson is the Founder of Lingua Franca. The beloved brand is known for its hand-stitched cashmere sweaters, chock-full of clever isms, including activism statements, and many of our favorite song lyrics. It all started with Rachelle needing to burn off some anxiety and keep her hands busy by picking up a needle and an old sweater. It quickly blossomed into not only sweaters, but a business case study in collaboration at it’s finest - from author book jackets to a percentage of proceeds donated directly to non-profits built into their business model.

Rachelle LF.JPG


“My husband and I both make sure to give each other much-needed breaks, for me, it's usually a run, yoga, or Tracy Anderson workouts. I've never felt closer as a family unit - a silver lining in all of this.” -Rachelle



What are you doing to keep your kids engaged throughout the day, while you're all at home, and how are you approaching your work? 

The boys' zoom classes are keeping them pretty occupied through the mornings, which is amazing. I've been so impressed with the teachers' commitment to their students during this unusual time. Work has been as busy as ever for me and we have daily conference calls at the same set time each day. I'm also joining our virtual embroidery classes every m,w,f, which keep me connected to our team. 

How are you lifting your spirits and keeping sane in the midst of this new normal?

Playing the role of chef, housekeeper, teacher, and mom, as well as working, has left me with little time to be depressed or anxious, which I'm truly grateful for. My husband and I both make sure to give each other much-needed breaks, for me, it's usually a run, yoga, or Tracy Anderson workouts. I've never felt closer as a family unit - a silver lining in all of this. 

What's your biggest challenge right now?

Missing seeing my team every day and connecting with family and friends has definitely taken its toll. On the other hand, I've made a point to do more phone calls and zoom connections with old friends and acquaintances I haven't seen in a while. 

What is your ultimate S@H garment that's giving you coupled confidence and comfort?

I put jeans on yesterday and felt like I was dressed to go to the MET gala. Lol. 

How are you reinventing your Mother's Day this year?

I haven't even thought about that yet! I'm hoping we get Facetime with both grandmas and enough sunshine for a beach walk. 




About this Interview Series

As Mother’s Day approaches I’ve thought a lot about the importance of shining a light on all moms, particularly in the midst of this unprecedented new normal. The world is changing, but honoring and celebrating mom remains intact. Mother’s come in many forms; some gave birth to us, some just became a new mom, some adopted us, some are grandmothers, some enter our lives later in life, some are a best friend, and some found us in times of need and invited us into their lives. As part of my Candid Interview series, I had the pleasure of connecting with inspiring women who are mothers, founders, and dynamic individuals who are sharing their stories of navigating the now and how they’ll reinvent Mother’s Day this year amidst this ongoing pandemic. -LKS

This article was originally published on May 8 by Town & Style St. Louis.