

I attended a meeting recently at St. Louis City SC’s CITYPARK. It was an informative and energizing meeting that Greater St. Louis Inc. held, where their CEO, Jason Hall, spoke about being in a new season of life, how we’re exiting the post-World War II era and moving into a new one, ergo, what happens after major global events.

I couldn’t agree more. These comments resonated with me because I often think about the seasons of life both personally and from a work point of view. Between the grand and high-altitude (like global events: pandemics) and those that are small yet important (like the sun coming up a little later in the morning these days).

For my clients, that could mean starting a new job/role or retirement. Getting the kids back to school and everyone into manageable routines. A new season of being empty-nesters for the first time or the last kid is off, starting life as a young adult. It could be divorce. A new relationship. Loss. Family celebrations like marriage or growing families of all sorts. Body changes. Hair changes. Or shifts in personal growth or perspectives. The desire to achieve more goals. It’s all over the map.

Seasons of life may also mean there is no change but rather a steady busyness or selective prioritizing for a period of time. Head down, get it all done, and hopefully add in some time for yourself. Sometimes, this is the only choice.

Life transitions pull you into a space that’s new and uncertain. With that comes resistance and acceptance - it’s complicated. One chapter closes, and a new one begins. A desire to affect change is based on wanting to shed something and enhance who someone is. A chance for some reinvention, big or small, or somewhere in between.

Transitions and change are where my styling work often intersects with people’s lives and routines. It’s this shifting time when most will likely pick up the phone and text or email me. For something new. And that’s not always new clothes. It’s often a new perspective on their existing clothing or how they can make the most of what is in their closets. Often, it’s how they can show up for and as themselves with intention, and authenticity and do it with convenience (aka, as quickly as possible).

Though this meeting I attended at CITYPARK had everything to do with sports and the economy in St. Louis, I couldn’t help but think about this period of reinvention and a change in both the actual summer to fall season, the start of a new year, back to school, and the grander season of life we’re all living in and through.

As I watched the sun rise over the stadium's eastern side and flood sunlight across the seats and pitch, all I could think was: what a great way to start the day and the season.

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