No time to shop? You may receive dozens of shopping related emails a day and probably delete most without even opening them . The Digital Style Edit delivers a highly personalized eCommerce experience directly to your inbox.

I curate a customized email with links to clothing and accessories that will compliment your personal style.  The email arrives with direct links to shop on world-renowned and emerging fashion sites – you have the power to buy at your leisure. You can opt to receive your Digital Style Edit monthly or seasonally:

Monthly Subscription  15 links arrive in your inbox once a month  + 1 hour per month access for styling advice via phone or video calls – advanced scheduling required   |  12-month commitment required   

Seasonal Subscription  40 links arrive in your inbox once every three months  + 3 hours per quarter access for styling advice via phone or video calls – advanced scheduling required   |   Annual commitment required  

The Style Analysis + Closet Detox is a minimum requirement prior to subscribing to the Digital Style Edit. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of your wardrobe, lifestyle and goals.