I, the owner of this website, do not claim to own or hold copyright over any of the images represented on the site (
To the best of my knowledge, the images in the website and portfolio pages have been attributed to the photographer(s) who took them. If you find an image that is attributed inaccurately, please reach out and I will correct the error immediately. It is not my intention to misrepresent the work of another. If you are the owner of any of the images, and would like it taken down, please reach out and I will remove it immediately.
I do not claim to own any image on the inspiration pages or the associated Instagram page (@laurasawyier). Each has been linked back to its source. The use of these images is meant to represent the inspiration that I find day-to-day. If you are the owner of any of the images, and would like it taken down, please reach out and I will remove it immediately.