Make the Space
Image: Adobe Stock
How are your mornings going when it comes time to get dressed for your day? Seamless or stressful? A little bit of both these days? What’s this hybrid attire anyway?
Women spend approximately 17 minutes a day, and men 13 minutes a day debating and rummaging their closets as they decide what to wear all in a day. This all according to a study conducted (pre-pandemic) in 2016 via Marks & Spencer. This, I’m sure, has shifted and doesn’t look the same for every one of us, nor the same each day of our lives. But it’s significant enough to point out.
Ultimately, it’s a lot of time. Especially when it adds up quickly to the time taken away from reasonably more important facets of your day. Though, as a stylist, getting dressed is something I enjoy (and frankly relish - most of the time), it can also be a pain point for me, just like all of you. Erg, my pants are too tight, the sleeves are too long in this knit, the list goes on.
Have you considered that part of the problem is all the noise? Overwhelm can often kick in when we have too much in front of us, as if on auto-pilot. Paralysis of options is driven by this double-edged sword of things we love, can’t get rid of, and frankly forgot about. We’ve surely dusted off a fair share of items (tops of trousers and blouse collars) even in the last few days as we reach for something that’s been lingering for no doubt two years, at a minimum.
Have you paused to ask yourself why you’re holding on to this item you haven’t worn in a while? Why let it take up real estate in your closet (and brain) when it’s not serving you? What harm will it do if you simply let it go and pass it on to someone else? Make space for new possibilities? Not just in new purchases, but with the things you already own, love, and have room to see and now wear more of? Making room to wear and style them collectively in new ways.
Fostering a purposeful wardrobe that authentically reflects your personality and endorses your lifestyle can build your confidence and domino into many other areas of your life.
Revisiting a brief article written right at the beginning of 2020, which is still as relevant, if not more today. These are the five steps to help you tap into your style, be more mindful in your closet, and feel great when getting dressed every day.
Be open-minded and embrace self-discovery
Create a new perspective
Get dressed with intention
Put something on that makes you smile
Converse kindly with yourself
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