Take Your Daily Vitamins


Last week's email about filling up your cup first really resonated with a fair amount of you (thank you for sharing your feedback and experiences with me - please continue doing so). Some of you even asked if I was okay? I am very much so, and that's because I'm prioritizing taking care of myself. How? My daily self-care practice, even in the smallest of actions, ensures that I keep my cup full, or even half-full, at times when it's challenging to keep it steadily topped off. Like your car's gas tank (or electric meter), best to keep it above the quarter line - at the very least - to avoid running out of fuel.

By asking me how I'm doing only validates this point further. We need to prioritize taking care of ourselves, full stop. Easier said than done is one argument, but really, it all comes down to a choice. And recognizing that when we talk about the importance of taking time for ourselves (and actually doing the things) to recharge, recover, set boundaries, and fill our cups, that it's not a response to something that somehow may ascribe to "not being okay."

It's a necessity to maintain equanimity for ourselves and all that occurs in our daily lives. Not a luxury or even a response to when things go so far into pain point mitigation. Trust me, I've been there, and it's rough. I'm sure you have, too. All the more reason to spend this especially stressful and, for some, emotional rollercoaster of a season, in the practice of putting ourselves first whenever we can take those brief pauses.

We covered the importance of finding what works for you as it looks different from the next person. That all being said, here are some of the ways I'm filling up my cup. Perhaps they'll work for you, too, or even ignite a little inspiration:

  • Start the day with your daily vitamins (sure, the actual ones if you take them), but these are administered in the form of self-talk. For me, it's Vitamins B, C, and G - each with its own packed trifecta of nourishment. Here's how it goes: upon waking up, recite the daily affirmations for each Vitamin… B: "I am Beautiful, Brilliant, and Bright;" C: "I am Creative, Curious, and Compassionate;" G: "I am Grateful, Generous, and Gracious." Fill in your Vitamin pack that best serves you. Just try it in your head; it's only for you anyhow.

  • Move! This year especially, I have come to realize the importance of moving the body (discovered by actually experiencing pain points). Move the body, even if it's a walk, stretch, or step away from the to-do list. Get into the body. My wellbeing coach is adamant about this one - it's proven that to get out of the mind, we need to get into the body. To give credit where it's due, she's responsible for guiding and encouraging all of these moments for yourself. 

  • Read more, or listen to audiobooks. Perhaps it's the latest historical figure or influential person biography that's been sitting on your nightstand or the sci-fi book you downloaded to escape into another world. Just start it. 

  • Take a bath or an extra hot shower - without rushing to move on to the next activity. Consider winding down at the end of your day this way. Throw in a bit of gratitude self-talk in this solo time and reflect on a few positive things that happened in your day. It can be the simplest of things, for instance, I’m often grateful for reciting my daily Vitamins to start the day in the right mindset.

  • Breathe. Some people meditate, and that's a deeply personal choice. Let's start with an easy pause in your day. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Why not try it right now? 



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