Laura K. Sawyier

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Stay-at-Home Activities to Brighten Your Week, Vol. 2

How Are You Taking Extra Care?


Here we are entering the fourth week of stay-at-home orders for many... as if you didn't read this same statement on nearly every other email or news article you read today. When I sent this similar newsletter two weeks ago, lots of you responded with thanks, laughter, discoveries, and kind comments. Which is primarily why I'm sharing another installment with you today. The other reason is how impressed I am with humanity. All the things we're doing to shine a light on moments of joy and contribution, welcoming creative - ever so brief - distractions, and extending support. Each day, something new is arriving in our realities - whether it's an extraordinary act of kindness or some lighthearted humor that requires our utmost attention. 

What's different today than two weeks ago are the other stark realities that we're facing more of every day - the staggering losses of loved ones, the rapid increase in unemployment, and the mental and emotional toll that each and every one of us if navigating. None of this is to be taken lightly, whatsoever. I do recognize that in moments of hardship, we can come together and offer wholehearted compassion and grace. An act of generosity has the potential to make a world of difference for someone else, even unknowingly. It also works when we extend that generosity to ourselves. 

One of my personal values and commitments is to make a positive impact on someone else's day, every day - even if it kindles a shift in perspective for five seconds. I set that intention around the same time I launched my business two and a half years ago. Knowing that I would be connecting with women on an emotional and vulnerable level, showing up with kindness is what mattered. I still feel this way, and that's what I'm offering you today. I can't say that the activities below will come close to cure the unique circumstances we're each in, but I do hope to impact you, even if all you do is smile for five more seconds. 

If you want to keep your hands and mind preoccupied:

-Jumpstart your windowsill garden! A little soil digging is good for the soul. Don't forget the pretty containers

-Give your sink a good scrub with this magical tool. Your kitchen surfaces have probably seen more dishes these past few weeks than ever before. Somehow I manage to do the dishes 5x a day when we only eat 3x per day, and there's two of us at home. Don't forget the elbow grease. 

-Lingua Franca is now offering at-home sweater embroidery kits with virtual classes included with purchase. You can now wear your thoughts on your shirt.

If you appreciate joy and beauty:

-Look up your local sunset time, and go for an evening social-distancing walk to watch the sun go down. Or, if you're an early riser, relish in the sunrise. 

-If you happen to go grocery shopping in the coming days and the store is selling flowers, pick up a bunch to brighten up your home. Rather than placing them all in a single vase, distribute into smaller containers (pretty cups and empty candle vessels work really well) and drop-in special corners of your living spaces. 


If you're seeking self-compassion and mental calm: 

-Take a bath or an extra-long shower if you don't have a tub. Just do it, already. You'll thank yourself once you start to soak. Toss in a bath bomb, layer on the scrub, and bliss out. 

-Take a quick 8 for an entre into guided mindfulness meditation. It's destined to help you feel refreshed and grounded. 

-Turn on your audiobook and plug in your earphones... settle into a book on internal reflections and how to massage your self-love muscles. Or maybe it becomes a 5-minute break from all the noise of the day. 


If you want to spread some love: 

-Greetabl can create your ultimate "thinking of you" package to surprise your loved one from afar. 

-Text someone you care about right now. Let them know you're thinking about them. See where the conversation takes you. 


If you want to put your feet up: 

-Crawl under this weighted blanket and turn on your latest streaming show. Maybe scroll through thispositive-only news feed. 

-Slip your feet into an exfoliating mask or create your own moisturizing moment by slathering on lotion and pulling on your cozy socks. Set it and forget it for happy feet all around.


If you're feeling artsy: 

-Recreate your own masterpiece at home. Here's the catch, you can only use three items. This latest one is my personal favorite. 

-Tune in nightly for virtual opera from The Metropolitan Opera. Streaming free online. 

If you want to bake away your feelings... Try this banana bread recipe with the tastiest surprise ingredient: sour cream! I made two loafs yesterday...

See this gallery in the original post