Laura K. Sawyier

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CANDID Interview: Manisha Thakor

Manisha Thakor is devoted to helping women “Live A Richer Life” - literally and figuratively.  Her personal website is and that feeling of calm, confidence and clarity embodied in the phrase “MoneyZen” is what she strives to leave all clients feeling.

Manisha is VP, Financial Education at Brighton Jones and is based out of Portland, OR. 

Photo by Jennifer Alyse

“I believe that money gives women voices and choices.  And I’ve also noticed that when women are living from a place of financial knowledge and empowerment they not only improve their own lives but those of their family and their broader community around them.”

My personal style is simple, classic, and timeless. My goal is to have a look that inspires people to see me, my soul, my heart and not be distracted by my clothes... because my clothes seem like such a natural extension of who I am as a human being. I travel a lot for work so I also love pieces that pack & unpack graciously as well as mix & match so that I can pack as light as a roller bag ninja. Style icons for me include Audrey Hepburn & Princess Di in her post-divorce days.

The best piece of fashion armor in my closet  is my navy blue Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress. It goes from day to night. Makes me feel like a princess by accentuating my curves in just the right way.  And is so timeless I can wear it for years to come and always feel fresh and au courant. Also love my Jimmy Choo booties. They make me feel fiercely feminine.

I’m making my mark by inspiring and teaching women how to stand in their financial power.  I recently saw an OpEd  headline that said, “Money is Power.  And Women Need More of Both.”  I couldn’t agree more.  I believe that money gives women voices and choices.  And I’ve also noticed that when women are living from a place of financial knowledge and empowerment they not only improve their own lives but those of their family and their broader community around them.

A professional/personal challenge that keeps me up at night is how to simplify the world of personal finance and investing in a way that makes it not only accessible but desirable for women to learn about.  How to inspire women to incorporate financial well-being into their overall definition of personal well-being.  How to shift the wealth management industry from one that focuses on managing money to one that is holistically focused on financial well-being along with social, emotional and physical well-being… because one can’t have a truly “Rich Life” without having all of those components integrated.

In moments of self-doubt I build myself back up by smiling as wide as I can, doing the Dab and simultaneously saying out loud “It’s Showtime”. (Hat tip to my Brighton Jones colleague Jens who taught me this trick -- truly it works!)  I also reach out to my girl posse, reminding myself of the Helen Keller quote, “Alone we can do little; together we can do so much” and get an infusion of #girlfriendlove. And sometime I just need to have a good cry, get it out of my system, eat some dark chocolate or marzipan… and march forward.

Words of wisdom that resonate with me are “Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify.” - Henry David Thoreau.   "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment “ - Ralph Waldo Emerson   “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein.

I stay true to my passions by focusing daily on sleep, exercise & nutrition.  Without that foundation there is no energy to pursue my passions.  I also find daily, deliberate human connection nourishes my soul -- which in turn fuels my passions. And I try to remind myself that giving to others in ways big and small is one of the best investments one can make in their own happiness and personal growth.

I’m most proud of loving my family deeply & wholeheartedly.  At the end of the day, love is all there is.

The one thing I would like to say to every woman in the world is #Be$mart - it will change your life.

Shop Manisha's power pieces!

A mentor and friend, I'm excited to launch CANDID with Manisha Thakor. Since we met three years ago, Manisha has been relentlessly encouraging of me and helping me channel my love for fashion and my creative soul into my first entrepreneurial experience. Manisha is a constant source of approachable and practical knowledge, and I am glad to be sharing her story and some of her insights on CANDID.  x LKS

Are you inspired by Manisha? Know someone that would be, too? Share her CANDID moment.