Laura K. Sawyier

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CANDID Interview: Kim Witczak

Kim Witczak is a creative visionary, a dot connector with a portfolio career; creative advertising producer, a national pharmaceutical drug safety advocate, public speaker, sits on non-profit arts boards, and a yogi. Her life is about the perfect balance between creativity and purpose.  

Kim’s work takes her across the globe while based out of Minneapolis.

“Magic happens when you show up. Do something every day that moves your goals/passions/life forward. It doesn’t mean it won’t be without the absence of fear. It means you step out with whatever strength you have and believe it’s possible.”

My personal style is creatively eclectic with a bit of flare and classic thrown in. And of course, it’s always accompanied with a great pair of shoes or boots and jewelry, lots of it.  Sunglasses are my trademark.

The best piece(s) of fashion armor in my closet are too many leather jackets (LTHJKT my new favorite), fur vests, classic Jimmy Choo pumps, jeans of all kinds, blazers, statement jewelry, LBD or better yet, a red one or two. 

I’m making my mark by being a creative visionary drawn to purpose driven projects. My life’s personal experiences have led me to my passion of creating change for the better. As the co-founder of Woodymatters, Free Arts Minnesota and Selling Sickness – People Before Profits, I bring collaboration and innovation through a creative marketing lens to transforming health issues. I am currently in creative development on a docuseries. It brings my love of creative story telling with my passion to expose the truths around the medicines we take. There is a great imbalance between the everyday person and the healthcare industry. Healthcare is a BUSINESS and we are customers. You can learn more by following the money trail than reading lips of politicians, doctors, FDA, etc. Once you start peeling the onion, you realize how insidious the industry is. It’s all about selling sickness. 

A professional/personal challenge that keeps me up at night… Everything tends to get magnified at night. I recently had a big breakup which has given me opportunity to pause and reflect on what’s next for me. You know, endings, even if painful, are new beginnings. I have a huge opportunity ahead of me. I can go and do anything, so it can be overwhelming. I definitely have had to learn to reframe the middle of night 3AM wake up calls as time to listen to what the soul wants.  We all live busy lives, especially women and sometimes it’s the only time our minds are shut off.   

In moments of self-doubt I build myself back up with self care. I have always been a yogi, however, I recently took up kickboxing. Not only has it made me physically stronger, but it has helped me find my personal inner power. Also, my faith is a huge part of my life and helps me when I doubt myself or feel fear.  Every morning I start my day with prayer, mediation and my gratefulness practice. This helps me land on my, “I AM _____,” mantra or word of the day.  I keep coming back to this word throughout the day especially in times of doubt.

Words of wisdom that resonate with me are…  Magic happens when you show up. Do something every day that moves your goals/passions/life forward. It doesn’t mean it won’t be without the absence of fear. It means you step out with whatever strength you have and believe it’s possible. All we are asked to have is the faith of a mustard seed (which is really tiny) to say move mountain move. 

I stay true to my passions by living and speaking my truth even if it’s not always easy.   Following my intuition.  Learning to listen to my inner voice and not second guessing it.  I know I am on the right path when I feel excitement running through my body. Energy follows like energy.  

I’m most proud… Without a doubt, it would be my advocacy work through Woodymatters -- an organization I founded after the sudden death of my husband in 2003 from an undisclosed deadly drug side effect of antidepressants.  Woodymatters advocates nationally for a stronger pharmaceutical drug safety system and FDA reform.   Sometimes, life’s circumstances deliver us our greatest passions and life purposes.   

The one thing I would like to say to every woman in the world is, You are more powerful than you know. You are NOT your circumstances.  We can choose to be victims, survivors, or thrivers. This is our life and its moving fast and even faster as we age.  You don’t want your end of life to come and meet the person you could have been, realizing you never lived your true potential because of fear or self-doubt. You got this, girl!!!  Believe.

Shop Kim's power pieces!

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